Monday 2 January 2012

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Would you do it?

At the moment, social media is probably the most influential communication tool around. There is no better way of giving real insight into an organisation or encouraging interaction between a company and its customers. As with most companies now, not only are reflexblue on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, but most (if not all) of our clients are too.

As a result, we pay close attention to social media news and consumer reports so we were intrigued when we found a market research report by AYTM which surveyed 2000 internet users to explore how they prefer to use social media when it comes to businesses and brands.

Interestingly, 58% of respondents have "liked" a brand on Facebook compared to only 39% who have tweeted about them. The survey also looked at the type of content consumers prefer to receive from their favourite brands with 80% preferring posts about coupons, promotions and discounts compared to only 8% preferring to read about brand information. 

Like many other reports, this highlights the importance of consumers feeling they are getting something back for being a fan on Facebook or a follower on Twitter. With so many companies now using social platforms to connect with their customers, it's vital that they understand what their followers are looking for. It is simply not enough to bombard them with disguised sales chat.

To find out more about what we can do, contact Ricki Neill on

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