First, let’s summarise what Paula Rúpolo discussed in her blog. The basis of her study surrounds the idea that colour is a major element in shaping our perceptions of brands and if there is suddenly a drastic change in that colour we would view it differently. For example, looking at Global brands such as MacDonald’s and Coca Cola who are both extremely recognisable with unforgettable logos, would you identify them as clearly if the big yellow ‘M’ was changed or Coca-Cola switched the vibrant red colour in their logo to blue? Probably not.
As colours evoke different emotions, an alteration in a brands logo may not just change the physical features of it and how you recognise it but also the meanings that you associate with the brand. Also, with colour being the first thing that we notice when viewing a logo, we may be confused and say to ourselves, "something isn't right here!".

Source: The Logo Company; Psychology Of Colour In Logo Design
Another blog, The Psychology of Colour in Marketing and Branding, looks into the effect that different colours can have. It explores how consumers may react differently to different colour choices, but how this is a purely personal reaction. The image above from The Logo Company is a good example of the different colours and brands use of them, again reiterating the idea that a particular colour can define the way we will feel about something.
Although colour is considered an important element of the logo design, it's just one of the decisions and other aspects such as wording, images or symbols have to be considered. Ultimately, you need to understand what you or your client wants to achieve through their logo design, what is their brand identity and how will this be expressed in their logo. As this will be one of the first touch points a consumer comes across when exploring possibilities, it is crucial you make the right decisions.
For more information have a read of the following blogs discussed:
The Brand Colour Swap: what’s in a colour?
The Psychology of Colour in Marketing and Branding
How Much Does Colour Define A Logo?
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