With Social Media now being used even more to help support the distribution and awareness of these ads, lets take a look at how they are performing.
Although John Lewis and M&S aren't the only retailers to have a Christmas advert, they are the only two out of the seven that have created specific hashtags for Twitter. According to an article on The Drum, John Lewis is winning the battle in terms of Twitter with #bearandhare being mentioned 28,000 times compared to M&S who have #magicandsparkle mentioned 3,500 times.

Source: Sunday and Daily Express website.
On Facebook it is a different story. M&S received over 160,000 interactions on their launch post whereas John Lewis has around 71,000. ASDA also out performs John Lewis on Facebook with 87,000 interactions as of 16th November according to a Kindred investigation on The Drum. Waitrose sadly falls way behind with just 1000 interactions.
YouTube sees the undeniable king of Christmas ads, John Lewis and their ‘The Bear and The Hare’ advert reaching over 7m views with M&S receiving a little over 700,000 in comparison. The Drum also identifies Tesco as the ‘YouTube loser’ with just over 3000 views.
But what is your favourite? Our personal favourite advert has to be John Lewis' 'The Hare and The Bare' especially after watching this video showing how the charming Christmas ad was created. Year on year they have succeeded in capturing the minds and hearts of the viewers and this year really pulls on the heartstrings of shoppers with an enchanting tale of a hare fighting to make sure the bear joins in the Christmas celebrations.
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