After setting off at 10am, we finally arrived in Manchester at 4 o'clock! Not sure if the need to stop at every single service station or the fact we did about 3 circles around the city centre had anything to do with this!?

However, we did encounter this peculiar man standing in the middle of the street which made getting lost worth it. Maybe standing in the middle of the road is normal in Manchester?

Ricki and Brian trying to act casual with uncle Vito! Think he scared a few passengers passing by!

Just after one little mishap of not being able to fit in the hotel parking we finally arrived, Hurray!!

Girls ready to hit the town.

Check the concentration on Ricki's face as he struggles to say 'Are you local? or are you from round here?'. Finally had to write it down for him and he still never got it. Definitely caused a lot of hilarity in the restaurant.

Having a good laugh at Ricki!

'Wait till I pose casually'

Colin's attempt at Gangman Style... Colinman Style!

Wouldn't be a reflexblue night out if there wasn't karaoke involved!

One of the better photos of us all before we went to TigerTiger.
It was a fantastic weekend with lots of Christmas cheer, singing, dancing and of course some drinking!
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